I celebrated an anniversary, too - the anniversary of my last haircut. Last October 14th, I went with Nicole's mom to Ulta before the wedding to get my hair cut and styled. It was the worst cut and style EVER. I didn't have time to make the haircut girl (I hesitate to call her a stylist) do it over and I certainly didn't have the confidence that even if she tried again that she could be successful. So, after leaving the salon I went to the hair accessory aisle and bought some of everything - headbands, clippies, barrettes and bobby pins with rhinestones. As soon as I got to the wedding venue, I stuck my head in the sink and restyled my hair the only way I know how - which is
literally to stick in some bobby pins, then cross my fingers and make a wish. I'm sorry that I didn't think to take a picture of the original monstrosity, but here is a picture of the best you can hope for from bobby pins and wish-making.
This October 14th, I was coerced by my coworker, Laura, to get a spray tan. I was terrified of the whole thing. Laura mocked me for being scared of a spray tan when I'm not scared to jump off a cliff with only a flimsy kite to save me. Yeah, but if I fail at hang-gliding, I wouldn't have to deal with the aftermath since I'd be dead and all. But if I completely make a mess of spray tanning, I'll have to live with orange zebra skin for who knows how long. Here I am afterwards - I didn't mess it up completely and I didn't die. I also don't look any tanner here because the spray takes 4-6 hours to show up. But I digress -- See how long my hair grew in exactly one year?
I have that big blue ball. You can do a lot with those. It's one of the staples for my workouts with Elizabeth. I can't beleive you haven't cut your hair in a year. That's impressive and insane. Are you going long again? You are cute enough to do anything you chose, and pull off a bad 'do. And I agree with everything you stated regarding the Cookies. Too gorgeous for words.
Um...so I didn't mean anything twisted about blue balls. It just so happened.
Awww, thanks! There is my fame, live on the world wide web.
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