Anyway... my high school friends and I have an almost-annual tradition of meeting for breakfast while we are all home for Christmas. Some years Laura goes to Florida or Elizabeth goes to Aruba or whatever. But this year all my girls were here, despite the record snowfall in Portland trying to keep Elizabeth stuck there. Here we are:
Laura just finished her masters degree in Museum Education and Leadership. She is the Assistant Vice President of a museum in Chicago. Elizabeth has a masters degree in education and she owns and runs her own school in Portland. Maysoun just finished her doctorate (!) in anthropology. She works for a non-profit in NYC aiding immigrants - so she's not only extremely intelligent, but she uses her brains to help others! And then there's me. I've never had any desire for any schooling past my BA and I make a living planning parties for lawyers. Ugh. I'm pretty sure I had a lot of potential, but unlike my high school friends, I am not living up to it.
Now let's add the spouses.
Now let's add the spouses.
Yep - still feeling like the underachiever here. John is an author. This year he was able to quit his "real" job and is an author all day instead. Ergh. He's living my dream. What I wouldn't give for an imagination. Chris is a bike racer and as part of his bike store job, he also fits big-wig bikers for biking shoes. Next month he's going to Portugal to fit new shoes for the Tour de France champion. Wow!
I think my only real talent is to surround myself with the best and brightest people around.
I'll take the last sentence as a direct compliment to myself. Which museum does your friend run?
That's right, the Simpsons are from MY home town (where I just was two months ago): Springfield VERMONT!
what does Pat do? Eric asked me the other day and I had no idea.
John asks that you blur out the Bears on his shirt.
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