I've been wanting to get this off my chest for forever. Ok. Here goes:
I never took the Constitution test in high school!
Nor did I take Government or American History. It was a big mix up when I moved during my sophomore year. I knew the school was making a mistake and that I should alert them to this foible, but the oh-so-alluring distinction of being the only person in all of Illinois to graduate high school without taking the Constitution test was more than my sense of honesty and propriety could handle, so I never told.
Whew! So nice to get that off my chest.
Oh, wait. That wasn't really the confession I'm here to confess. This is:
I have lived in Arizona for 13 years and I have never been to the Grand Canyon.
I know! I know! But I have an excuse! The excuse is that a day trip to look over the edge just never seemed worthy. If I was going to the Grand Canyon, I wanted to hike it, to experience it and most importantly to go here:

However to go here, you have to drive to the north rim (6+ hours), hike 10 miles with your camping gear and most prohibitively, make a reservation! Now, I can plan a trip for 8 people to Brazil or Costa Rica, but making a reservation to go camping has always seemed to be too much for me. :)
Thankfully, Laura is not put off by such things as a measly phone call and thus a reservation was secured for this weekend. I've borrowed lots of gear from my personal REI-in-a-garage, Kristen, and tomorrow is the big day of travel. Thursday we hike down. Friday, Saturday and Sunday we explore waterfalls! Sunday we hike back up. "We" consists of a few of my friends and a whole lot of Laura's friends from Long Island. Welcome to Arizona, you easterners. Yes, it is 100+ degrees with humidity right now. What? That's too hot for hiking with a full pack? Pshaw. Now quit yer whinin' and move!
I'm looking forward to finally seeing that grandest of all canyons. I am not looking forward to four days of peanut butter and jelly on pita and banana chips. (Btw, I have had pizza for 10 days in a row, tomorrow will make 11. I'm going to be sad to end my streak!)
All this is to say that I'll be gone til Monday. Have a great 4th of July celebrating with your air conditioning, your vehicles, your electricity, your shelter from the rain and don't be too jealous of my great trip.