Alternate Alternate Post Title: Bow-Chico-Bow-Wow!
Alternate Alternate Alternate Post Title: How a 7 Pound Dog Made Frankie His Bitch
Warning. This Post Is Not Safe For Work or For Children!!
As I mentioned earlier, I got a new foster dog. It's been so long! I haven't had a foster since Mo became a real dog in December. That's EIGHT months!! Wow! The Humane Society put out a dog foster emergency notice that they were overfull in the hospital kennels and needed more fosters. I forwarded the email to Pat who replied:
-No big dogs! Nothing bigger than Frankie.
-You are not allowed to go out of town while you have the foster. No exceptions!
-Short term only! No exceptions.
So I immediately called the shelter and signed up to pick up Chico that very afternoon.

Chico is a maltese mix weighing in at 7.5 pounds. He is a sweet, playful little guy with all sorts of problems. I'm fostering him for kennel cough. When I return him he will have surgery for cherry eye, hernia and numerous dental extractions, as well as the requisite neutering.
The requisite neutering is certainly going to cramp Chico's style. This dog is all about the humping. Seriously. It's all he wants to do. (Ok, ok, if you start to pet his belly, he'll stop the humping for a minute or two.) Frankie is his humping target. This is what Chico does. All day. Poor Frankie.
Dinner time is especially exciting because Chico knows that Frankie goes to his spot, lies down and waits. Perfect! He is lower to the ground - good for little humping dogs! Hurray! I have to physically restrain him to get him to notice there is food in his bowl!
Frankie takes it for a little while. He's a very patient (submissive, beta, wussy, you choose the adjective) dog. But after a while, he gets mad and snaps at Chico:
Poor Frankie.
1 comment:
hahahaha we dog sit for Indy who was a larger version of Chico with the humping that is. Love the pic of the tongue ahahahahaha
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