Our house is old. My dogs and I are admittedly hard on a house. These two things lead to various issues of the falling-apart variety around the old homestead. One of these issues includes our front door (and the sliding glass door and back door, too). The locks are weak, the frame is weak, the door doesn’t always shut tight, the deadbolt will barely open with a key, etc. One day Pat came home and the door was stuck. He had successfully unlocked all the locks, but the screws from the lock mechanism were stuck in the door frame, or something like that. Maybe he had a bad day at work or maybe he had too much caffeine or maybe not enough caffeine, but instead of patiently jiggling the door a bit until it opened, he broke through the whole door jam.
Yep...shattered the door frame. See?
And then he went to get a hammer to try to get the screws back in place (does this even make sense? perhaps I have the story wrong?) and he got more frustrated and started beating the shit out of the door frame. See the hammer marks? I'm pretty sure the whole episode was accompanied by some choice cuss words as well. I find this all to be quite hilarious now, but if I had been home at the time I'm sure I would have been really mad. Good thing I wasn't home. I'm enjoying the laugh!!
Last weekend, Pat and his dad worked on the door for two straight days - most of the day on Saturday and ALL day on Sunday.
While it still doesn't look so pretty yet, we do have a door that doesn't stick!
Whoa! They made a movie where Edward Norton turns into a big green angry guy? What's the name of this movie?
Now see, I thought you had the open door policy for guests. My bad. I enjoyed the laugh too and refuse to acknowledge that Hockey Pat truly does exist.
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