If she wins, $10,000 will be given to the Arizona Humane Society! TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS!!! Seeing as they saved her life and all, I would love to be able to get them $10,000. When they found Mo, she was so severely injured that they could easily have made the cost-conscious decision to euthanize her. Instead, they rushed her into surgery and gave her a chance. I can't thank them enough for that decision and for bringing her into my life. I love my Mo! And I love my AHS!
This contest is decided by votes on their facebook page. Please go to your facebook, "like" Fuzzy Nation, click on the Super Model contest link on the left and then vote for Mo! You can vote every day starting Monday, through August 21st. Vote often! Tell your friends!
This is the contest link: https://www.facebook.com/fuzzynation?sk=app_117170818364057
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