We met our SOYJOY rep and the other teams on Saturday morning to walk over to the race venue together. We got to take a bunch of SOYJOY promo pictures. We are kind of famous.

There was, in fact, a visual clue so we checked that with Maysoun. She sort-of knew the area but didn't know the exact statue, so we marked down the vicinity on my map and took off. As part of my race research, I had mapped the location of the charity partner, West Side Campaign Against Hunger. As expected one clue had us buy food to donate to them. They were located near the start line so we decided to do that clue first while Tom and Rick were solving the other clues. As I was buying food, Christy started solving the word search clue.
Here we are on our way to our first clue, just behind the boys:

Donating our cans of food:
There was a subway entrance across the street from the pet store. It was one of those sneaky ones that are hardly noticeable unless you already knew it was there. We hoped the boys didn't see it and hoped they didn't see us as we ran down the steps.
While waiting for the train we plotted a few more of the clues that Tom and Rick had sent. Not all the clues were solved yet, so deciding where to go was tricky. We decided to go to Times Square since there were two clues in the area that we knew of, then we'd continue south again if we needed to. The hardest part about this race was that our only downtime was in the subways, and phones don't work in the subways so we couldn't use that time to communicate with our internet support.
When we popped up at Times Square we headed to the Improv for Kids theater. We had to play the "World's Worst improv training game", which was to tell the guy there a joke and make him laugh. Of course, I told my favorite joke (Why'd the cowboy get a wiener dog? ...Because he wanted to get a long little doggie - drawling out the punchline). Because that joke is hilarious, the guy laughed and gave us a flyer as proof of completion. As we were leaving we overheard the next team start their joke, "Why did the chicken..." The guy didn't even let them finish. He said "NO chicken jokes!" Hee! We were gone before they came up with a different joke to tell.
Nearby, we found the Nederlander Theater:
On the way to the subway we got one of our tic tac toe pictures; one teammate in a cowboy hat doing the C in YMCA:
We took a subway to Soho. We had to go to the Children's Museum of the Arts and add our hand print and team name to the mural. This would have been a good time to be named something shorter than Storming the Castle!
Our next stop was Edible Arrangements. There we had to look at two fruit arrangements and figure out which fruit was in one arrangement but not the other. It was strawberries. To keep going with the strawberry theme, we had to go to a park nearby to take a picture in a giant fruit costume:

In the subway we talked to some more locals about the benefit of taking the 4 or 5 train versus the 6, which is the express. The lady was going to our same stop and she was going to take whichever came first. The 4 came first and we decided to get on, instead of waiting for a 6 that might get us there faster. We found out later that no express trains were running that day, so we made a good decision!
I studied my bus map while we were on the train. If we could catch a bus right away, we'd be able to go to our farthest destination first and work our way back. If there were no buses, we'd do the opposite. Lucky, lucky us...as we emerged from the subway, a bus was pulling up right in front of us! Woo hoo! It took us all the way to Asphalt Green, the answer for clue #1. A lot of teams had problems with this one, but not us (because Little Tom is a genius!) We had to go up 7 flights of stairs. It was brutal! When we reached the roof, we had to do a team yoga pose. We headed back down the stairs. We'd gone down two flights when I did my phone-and-camera-and-map-and-pen check. Frick. No map! No pen! Back up two flights. Lucky again, my clipboard was still there!
Back down the seven flights of stairs and off to Luigi's. We had to get a picture of one teammate feeding the other teammate a slice of pizza. The pizza was good but so much running had left me feeling yucky, so I sadly threw the slice away. :(
The bus came. Another team joined us. The bus slowly...slowly...slowly crept across town. I was getting sick to my stomach worrying about the other SOYJOY teams. The bus let us off about a block from the finish line bar. We raced the other two teams. One team beat us by A LOT and we beat the other team.
As we crossed the finish line, Pat told us that the other two SOYJOY teams had not finished yet. REALLY?! I kept looking around to make sure. Then we saw our SOYJOY rep and she confirmed that we were the first team back!! WOO HOO!!
We passed the photo check and turned in all our collected items. No penalties! Our final time was 3 hours and 17 minutes. We traveled 17 miles total, 6.25 on foot, 8.15 on the subway and 2.6 on the bus. We came in 30th overall. But we won the SOYJOY contest and $2,000! YAY! YAY! YAY!
Thanks to Great Urban Race and BIG THANKS TO SOYJOY! Also big thanks to Rick and Tom - you boys ROCK! I had such a great weekend that I hardly even minded when our Sunday afternoon flight was delayed 3+ hours and then we spent an additional 2+ hours on the runway before taking off. :)
1 comment:
I have declared a rematch on Manhattan. We couldn't believe how badly it kicked our behinds!
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