September 2
Getting yummy lunch! — at Food Truck Friday.September 3
Getting in some mountain bike practice for the Gilmore Adventure race....took my bike to the mountain preserve and walked it up and down some hills.September 5:
Jill was tagged in Christy's photo. "Hiking Shaw Butte with Pat and Jill"

September 5:
Jill was tagged in Emily's photo. "Never too old for party hats! Thanks Jill"

September 5
I really do hate the end of a 3 day weekend. Boo.September 7
I finally got off my lazy bum and biked to work!jill's cycling workout on
cycling 9.20 mi in 00:44:55Average speed: 12.30 mph -- Calories: 302
September 7:
Last night at 10:00 pm I saw an Australian vacation deal on Living Social. Tonight at 10:00 pm I had 8 people already paid and ready to go. I love spontaneous friends!September 9
Now that's some serious thunder!September 18
Just jumped over a rattlesnake on my hike. Yikes!September 23
Gilmore Adventure Race tomorrow. I'm so excited!!!!September 24
Storming the Castle took first place in the womens division at today's Gilmore! Adventure Race. We also took home lots of scrapes, scratches, prickers and in my case, a pretty bad sunburn...all worth it!
September 27:


September 27
I'm feeling tough today. Are you?

Jill has signed up for Tough Mudder Arizona, a 10+ mile obstacle course through ...
September 28:
80 dogs are on the county shelter's euthanasia list for tomorrow morning. 80! Most are on for URI (just a cold) or "deterioration" which means they've been in the shelter so long that they are getting depressed or going stir-crazy and the shelter is running out of space. These are nice, friendly dogs of all breeds. And this is just ONE day's list. I am so sad.
September 7:
I finally got off my lazy bum and biked to work!
jill's cycling workout on
cycling 9.20 mi in 00:44:55
Average speed: 12.30 mph -- Calories: 302
302 Calories in 45 minutes is 468 watts (total output). Assuming 20% efficiency (which is average efficiency for cycling): that's 94 watts to the pedals. That sounds low. Any chance SportyPal isn't taking into account sitting at traffic lights. That would skew your Calorie count low. (If this seems counterintuitive to you, I can explain further.)
I think it does, because it tells you the total time for the trip and the time you were moving. But I don't think it takes into account that I'm riding a fat tired mountain bike instead of a normal bicycle. I can tell you I felt like I burned way more calories! Of course, I've also realized that while my natural, comfortable walk speed is FASTFASTFAST, my natural bike speed is S--L--O--W.
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